Coletta Ehrmann
Mountain Slide, Lamsenjochhütte
Magic Mountain, Selfportrait
Upside town, Volkstheater, Munich
Loveletter, Tretjakovgallery, Moskow
Messanger Doves, Munich
She the explorer, Sara Riel, Artist, Iceland
Intimate, Hofkirche, Innsbruck
No words, Robert Gwisdek, Actor, Writer and Musician, Berlin
Miniatures, Airport Munich
Bittersweet, Sergijewpossad, Moskow
The Wizzard, Robert Gwisdek, Actor, Writer and Musician, Berlin
Butterfly, Munich
Welcome, Stappenbeach, Bavaria
Cloud funnel, Home
Wedding Preparations, Venice, Italy
Quarantine Champagne, Munich
Jump around, Dimitrij Vysokolyan at Ray Moore Studio, Munich
The morning after, Reichersbeuern
Penut, Munich
Wisdom, Tepoztian, Mexico
Alice, Munich
Chair and Umbrella, Bad Tolz
The Bride, Sara Riel, Artist, Iceland
Toys, Dietramszell
Chains, Ray Moore, Artist & Poet, Mississippi USA
Anno 1750, panduren attack, Gaissach
Silver Lining, Munich
Moorland, Filzen